Mistakes To Avoid As A Junior Developer
As a junior developer, we often do some mistakes and we don’t realize it until we get more experience.
Being junior in a new sphere is something completely ok but what is not ok is to do these common mistakes that I personally did.
👉 Try To Learn Everything
I think most of us had this feeling that we have to learn everything at the same time and to do it as fast as possible.
❌ Do not do it.
The progress is moving too fast and there are more and more new features on the market that we have to learn and we naturally want to know them all.
Believe me, it is better to know very well the structure of one programming language or a framework than to know just a little bit of everything.
👉 Not To Practice
Another very common mistake is actually not practicing what you are learning. It is like watching sport’s videos without actually doing any sport.
Sometimes it is difficult to do everything at the same time and we want to finish as fast as possible the video but by practicing you master really better the subject.
Practicing can also help you in creating a small portfolio and for a junior developer, it is something really useful.
👉 Waiting For The Best Moment To Apply
After learning some basics and having already a clear idea about your future job, most of us would prefer just waiting for the right moment to finally apply for a job.
Reading the job offers often makes frustrated. It is very possible that the skills described in the offer won’t 100% correspond to your profile. Even if you have already some years of experience, it is still the case.
In this situation it is important to try to apply. In the worth situation you would get a negative answer (or no answer), in the best case you can get a job.
👉 Comparing Yourself To The Others
This can concern not only the sphere of web development but any other sphere as well.
Often when we learn something new or integrate a new profession, we try to take an example of the others who have already more experience than us. It is very not bad but what is bad is to compare yourself to them and to blame yourself that you are not as good as them.
They were in the same situation than you just some years ago and they learned a lot. As a junior developer you are just in the beginning of your career and it is very normal that you are not as fast as seniors in fixing a bug.
👉Accept The Critics
Of course you could do a lot of mistakes in the beginning, your code is not perfect and it is very difficult to fix a bug. In this situation you can be criticized by the senior developers and be pointed on your mistakes.
The best thing to do is to never take those critics personally and to learn from them. It is even great if you have someone advising you and reviewing your code.
👉 Blaming Yourself
Web development is not the easiest job and it consists of a lot of hours of learning and concentration.
The more we try to learn, the more we understand that we actually do not understand anything. It is very disappointing. You feel yourself really dumm and think that this job is just not for you.
Everybody got this feeling at least once and believe me with practice you will know more and more. Some people learn faster, some not and it is completely personal.
What is important is to not give up and to continue your way.
Have some more advices or anything else to add? Don’t hesitate.
Thank you for reading 😊